Whew! I know it has been awhile, but things have been so busy lately. I guess running after three 13-year-olds will do that to you. I finally got to take a break and get away for a wonderful art workshop given by the fabulous and talented Elizabeth Robbins. Check her out at http://www.elizabethrobbinsart.com/. Not only is she a wonderful still life painter, but she is a very talented teacher as well. She gave lots of hints and tips on theory and materials, not just how to paint in her style. I was very grateful to be able to attend. Above is a very poor photograph of the painting I completed in class. It is still at my friend, Joan's, house while it dries -- the workshop was in Virginia and I didn't want to try and move a wet painting all the way back to Texas. This next image, below, is the beautiful demo that Elizabeth did at the end of the workshop that I am lucky enough to now own. I wish I had even an ounce of her skill. Isn't she marvelous?!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Elizabeth Robbins Workshop
Monday, October 17, 2011
Seven UP!
6" x 12"
Stretched Canvas
Finally! I found some time for paint therapy again. Life has been busy and very complicated lately and I am so grateful to all of my friends who are bearing with me throughout! Life was much easier when I was a kid, that's for sure. In keeping with that notion, I borrowed a photograph from a fellow Etsy seller, Pieces of Olde, because it reminded me of summer in the 70s. If you want the real thing, please visit her at http://www.etsy.com/listing/76843556/vintage-7-up-pop-bottle-soda-70s . A big thanks for giving me permission to use the photo. It was fun and fabulous to paint! I have some touching up to do here and there, but I couldn't wait to get it posted, so I just went ahead and posted the UN-finished product -- heh, heh!
Monday, September 19, 2011
Summer's End
"Beach Umbrellas"
8 x 10 Stretched Canvas
Finally! Temperatures below 104 and loads of rain to quench our Texas fires! Will I miss the summer this year? Heck, no! But I will miss the bright colors and blue skies as we head into the autumnal equinox. Thus, this painting. It isn't quite completed yet, but to be fair, I haven't had much time to work on it. This painting was a study in crisis management, as I have basically worked on it in between putting out fires in my own life. On a positive note, I think rain is on the forecast again, both at home and outside. It's time for a cool change!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Moody Blues
"Moody Blues"
5" x 7"
Stretched Canvas
I was feeling like I wanted to paint something with a little drama or feeling to it. I know, I know, a candle doesn't seem very dramatic all by itself, but this candle photo I found on my favorite photos-for-artists site had a mood about it. I wish I could credit the photographer, but her name was not on the site. At any rate, it wasn't the Zen-like painting session I thought it would be--it was a relatively difficult painting. Who would have thought something so simple would be so troublesome. I thought the flame would be the worst part, but trying to show the glow through the actual candle body was a real bear! Hopefully, I managed it well enough. I think I might be able to evaluate it better after I step away from it for a day or two!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Nesting Instinct
"Nesting Instinct"
10" x10"
Stretched Canvas
Fall is my nesting time. The kids go off to school and I finally have a chance to put right everything in the house that got "put wrong" all summer! I find great peace in the sudden solitude (although in a few days I will be missing their sweet voices and messy ways -- okay, maybe not the messy ways...) and I love to see everything in it's place finally. Maybe a little latent OCD? Sure, but why fight a good thing...heh,heh! More importantly, I got my studio in total zen condition, so I am ready to crank on the paintings. Too bad it is maybe too much of a tabula rasa -- like a big, blank white canvas, a clean studio can be a little daunting! Here we go....
bird nest,
oil painting artist texas creative,
original art,
still life,
Saturday, August 20, 2011
The Onion that Doesn't Make You Cry
"Almost Bloomin' Onion"
5" x 7"
Stretched Canvas
Onions -- I love 'em! Fried and in sauces, soups and stews (but never raw, except the red ones!). The only problem is the tears when you are slicing one up. Oh yes, I know all the tricks (cut in a certain direction, hold your breath and, my personal favorite, the onion goggles), but they never seem to work for me (what a surprise). This is the ONLY onion that hasn't made me cry yet -- although I am fairly certain it wouldn't taste very good in a stew!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Fall Down
5" x 7"
Stretched Canvas
Still in a fall funk. I say "funk" because we still have temps over 100, and they are predicting it to last into September. So, while I wish it were a leaf-changing, hoodie-wearing time of year in reality, I will have to settle for a painting to remind me of what could, or SHOULD, be! I painted this little picture from a photo in the Morguefile -- a great resource of free photos that all artists should know about! The nut is still on the tree, and, from the green look of the leaves, he is probably having the same kind of fall as I am -- green, hot and very un-fall-like!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Orange Ya Glad?
"Orange Ya Glad"
6" x 6"
Stretched Canvas
This one was fun! I love using saturated colors like these -- they are so rich and yummy. It is unusual to see them altogether in one place -- usually there is a dull background highlighted with pops of color. This one seems to work, though. The orange looks so juicy you can almost smell it!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Fall Rose
8" x 8" Stretched Canvas
1 1/2" deep sides
This is a companion to my earlier pink rose close-up. I really enjoy the repetitive folds, they are quite relaxing to paint! I have a bazillion rose pictures that I took when Jim and I went to Portland, OR for a week this summer. The International Rose Test Garden is there and free to the public -- acres and acres of gorgeous blooms in every hue, size and scent. I actually took more pictures than the camera could handle and needed a second memory card! It is kind of daunting when you have so many pictures to choose from, and then, of course, I need to be in the "mood" to paint roses or they don't work out they way I want them too. Good thing I am a woman as well as an artist and to changing my mind is just a part of my nature. That way no one can blame me for procrastinating on my rose paintings!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
"The Epiphany"
8" x 10"
Artist's Gesso Board
I painted this abstract piece on a day when I was feeling inspired about painting on gesso boards! They have such a wonderfully smooth surface and the paint seems to have a mind of its own when the brush hits the surface. I suppose I could control it more, but then...why? We all have to be so controlled in life -- isn't it nice to let go once in awhile? Try it, and see!
clouds. blue,
original oil painting,
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Pepper Love
"Pepper Love"
8" x 10"
Artist's Gesso Board
I love food and I have a particular affinity for peppers. When I found a series of photographs from MorgueFile featuring some sweet bells, I just had to start painting. I am still working on the boards, but I have found that brand DOES matter here. This board was very hard to paint wet-on-wet, which is my usual M.O. and I had to wait ages for the paint to dry in between. I still have some touch up to do on the green pepper but, again, I am just waiting for paint to dry. Now I know why so many artists get frustrated with oils. These two bells looked so cozy snuggled up together that I had to have "love" in the title. Don't they look like newlyweds? Awwwww. Mr. Potatohead would be jealous!
bell pepper,
still life,
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
A Fun Challenge
5 x 7
Artist's Gesso Board
This was a fun little challenge given to me by some artist friends. I think I needed a little relaxing creativity time, so it came along at the right point in my month. The challenge was to portray a female character as an adjective and there was a short list to choose from. I chose "nebulous" because I thought it was the most interesting word to work with AND I had been looking at these beautiful acrylic paintings of celestial space that were so inspiring. It was a match made in heaven - heh, heh! Quite a departure from my usual style, but here she is!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Board Again!
9" x 12"
Artist's Gesso Board
Loving the board! LOVING IT! This was a "mental landscape" -- just something from my head that worked up great on this board. I reworked it once, to add intensity to the dark clouds on the left and add substance and drama to the central cloud mass. It was so easy to rework on the board. And, again, the color intensity is striking --- you really need to see it "in person" to know what I mean. You might have had a chance on August 6th, when I was going to do a local show, but I chickened out. I need more time to get my booth together and figure out how to take credit cards and such. It is not like selling on line! That is okay, though, I will be ready to go in the Spring!
And I have so many new things to paint, thanks to my trip to Portland, OR. I am posting this from the hotel there, in fact! I can't wait to take all my new ideas and pictures and get painting next week!
And I have so many new things to paint, thanks to my trip to Portland, OR. I am posting this from the hotel there, in fact! I can't wait to take all my new ideas and pictures and get painting next week!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Getting Board!
"A Cool Change"
8" x 10"
Artist's Gesso Board
Ah, gesso board, how do I love thee? I bought a painting by one of my faves, Qiang Huang and it was done on this sweet little board. I had often noticed paintings done on these, but never thought I would be unfaithful to the canvas. It took just one night and I was totally hooked! The paint works up so well on these little gems -- smooth, creamy, luscious with a richness of color that I don't think canvas can compete with. I went right out and did it again! This is my first try -- with the rocks from one Hawaii photo my husband took and the clouds from another. What fun!
Monday, July 4, 2011
Happy Fourth of July!!
8" x 10"
Stretched Canvas
Happy Birthday, America! And what can be more American than some luscious red home-grown tomatoes to slap on your backyard burger? Thanks to my eagle-eyed friend, Anne Fleetwood, for supplying the absolute picture of yumminess! Too bad these weren't "for real" -- I love nothing better than a tomato sandwich in the hot summertime and not those nasty grocery store tomatoes that taste like so much school paste -- real, red-blooded American tomatoes, warm from the garden sun, left on the window sill to ripen and sliced thickly and salted. Yum! Enjoy the party, America!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Painting White
"Ooey Gooey Chocolate Pie"
6" x 6"
Stretched Canvas
Back to my comfort zone again with this slice of my friend Anne's birthday pie that she so thoughtfully photographed for me. It was fun and interesting to paint since the plate and the meringue were both white. It presented a challenge to represent the "white-ness" with color. I ended up using dioxazine purple, cerulean blue and magenta to form the shadowed areas with a touch of naples yellow to warm up the meringue where the light was shining through. Too bad I didn't have the original to eat afterwards, though!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Food, Glorious Food!
"Birthday Cupcake"
5" x 5"
Stretched Canvas
I guess you gotta go with what you know! I had snapped a picture of a cupcake my sweet friend, Michelle, brought me for my birthday a few months ago. Given my sudden lack of inspiration and/or talent, I thought I would return to the safety of my comfort ....food! And, you know -- I think it turned out pretty well and my whole painting session just seemed to have -- what is it the LAX bros call it?? -- flow. Yes, it had flow. So I am going with it.... On to the next serving!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Where Did the Mojo Go?
"Blue Vase of Roses"
5" x 5"
stretched canvas
Yikes! It is gone. My ability to paint -- phffft. Just like that. I signed up to do a show in August, for which, of course, I need INVENTORY. And it is very difficult to generate quality inventory when you are at home with three kids all summer -- all of them running in different directions. I am panicking! So today, I sat down, took paintbrush in hand and....nothing. I painted three paintings, two of which are so bad I couldn't even post them. This one is okay, but just that. Just okay. I honestly don't know what my problem is --- perhaps it is too-much-on-my-plate-itis. Or maybe just plain old fear. Ugh! Either way, I need to shake it off and get going. I will put on my best Scarlett O'Hara accent and chant "I will paint again tomorrah, for tomorrah is anothah day!"
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Just a Note...
Hi Everyone! I just wanted to let you know that my art is now being represented in the Daily Paintworks gallery as well as on Etsy. At DPW, you can bid on all kinds of wonderful art from fabulous painters...check it out!!
Getting My Groove Back...
5" x 5"
2" deep stretched canvas
Well, my summer road trip has come and gone and I have been having a hard time catching up with all the things that accumulate when I am gone. And maybe I am just a little lazy. Hmmm. Make that a LOT lazy. My heart wants to paint, but the rest of me just did not want to comply, so I made a little deal with myself -- if I would take some photos of these yummy gems and paint just one I would add a little freshly whipped cream and enjoy a treat. So I did. I took a bunch of photos (look for some more strawberry paintings!) and painted this one from life. And then I ate it. And another and another. With whipped cream AND chocolate. Summer living is good! But maybe I need a run around the block now...
Monday, June 6, 2011
Back to the Tropics!
"Texas Palms"
5" x 7"
Stretched Canvas
Well, after a short foray back into food, I hit the holiday road again with another tropical themed painting. This wasn't my favorite, mostly because I am not so good at being a loosey-goosey painter. I did like the color combo, though! I am not sure where to go next -- I was lucky enough to cadge a whole bunch of wonderful tropical water/boats/communities photos from a friend who went on a cruise and I could use them to springboard into more tropical paintings. But then, my attention span is short and my mind is wandering on to other things. I really want to put more color onto my palette, but I am not sure what I want to paint. Dilemma! Any suggestions?
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Back to Food!
"Margarita Cupcake"
6" x 6"
Stretched Canvas
Look for me on Etsy soon!
I just had to take a break from the beach paintings for just a minute and, you know, my favorite other subject is food! I had a great birthday last weekend (even though I ate my birthday melon a day early AND didn't get the candles like I had planned) and a sweet friend brought me two yummy cupcakes to celebrate. This one was Margarita flavored and it was the most awesome cupcake EVER! It had a little straw in it, just like a drink and a slice of jellied lime! Of course, I took pictures of BOTH cupcakes for future painting reference (what a goober!) but this bright one appealed to me today! Bottoms up!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Where Did He Go?
"Where Did He Go?"
11" x 14"
Stretched Canvas
Look for me on Etsy soon!
I really got into painting this one. Something about the color of the sand was really appealing to me. I found when I was done, that the sand was too "empty", though -- it needed something. I briefly thought about a beach chair (too close to the water), flip flops (too trite) and shells (too small) and then I thought about footprints, but footprints going IN to the water, instead of the usual walking-along-the-shoreline ones. I mean, heck, when you go down to the surf to swim, you make footprints too! So where is the swimmer? Out of your sight line? Are these old footprints and the swimmer has returned home hours ago? Did he have a boat anchored in the shallows? Or did some mysterious fate befall him? The world may never know!
Friday, May 27, 2011
Did It Again!
"Tropical View"
6" x 18"
Stretched Canvas
I am available on Etsy!
I am on a roll! This is another one that just sort of jumped off of my brush and threw itself onto the canvas. Truly, even my brushwork looks a little spontaneous and free -- just like I think I might actually be if I were on this island! I have had a hard time breaking out of the blendy-blendy painting habit, but the clouds are really helping with that. I love painting them and I think I am going to move slowly from an island vibe into a cloud- y one! Maybe my brushwork will affect my personality a little and I might be able to chillax this weekend........nah! Have a wonderful holiday, everyone!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Outta My Head
"Calm Before the Storm"
10" x 10"
Stretched Canvas
Look for me on Etsy soon!
I am so excited! I was still on my tropical kick, groovin' on the clouds, in particular, and this painting kind of just happened. No reference photos of sky or surf. No inspiration but a paintbrush and a some yummy globs of color on the palette. This is a BIG deal for me because until now, I have never painted "out of my head" -- I have always used a model and/or reference photos. Gives me hope that there may be something in my head, after all!!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
"Summer Storm II"
8 x 10
Stretched Canvas
Look for me on Etsy soon!
I guess I am just in a tropical kinda mood, since Jim is spending the week in Hawaii (without ME, boo hoo -- thus the storm on all my horizons!). This was fun to paint and I am still in the mood to paint more scenes. Jim IS tasked with the job of taking pictures of sun, sand, and surf for me to use -- hopefully he will have time after doing all that hard work on the island to take a few shots.....*sigh*
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Wish I Were There...
"Summer Storm"
8 x 10
Stretched Canvas
Look for me on Etsy soon!
Yes, even if it were storming, I would rather be there, digging my toes into the sand and picking up shells along the shoreline. I am certain that there is a sweet beach shack or pavilion just out of the line of sight and if it rains I can run there and have a pina colada while the worst of the weather passes over.
Or, I could just sit here in my hot, humid yard and slap mosquitos. Either way....
One of the Girls
8 x 10
Stretched Canvas
Look for me on Etsy soon!
I painted this picture from a photo of one of my son, Spencer's, "girls" -- a trio a Buff Orpington chickens that he loved from chick to hen. In this picture, she was standing partially under a tree, so the shadow of it fell over her shoulder. My first impulse was to remove the shadow and just paint her golden, but I kind of liked the way her feathers looked jewel-toned in that area.
Spencer still misses his "chucks", but until we move out of "clipboard village", there will be no livestock. Heck, we can't even put out a pot of flowers unless it is "approved". And yet, you can have a freaking huge ugly, trampoline in your backyard....but I digress...
Interestingly, when a friend saw this picture she was sure to note that I was still painting food. It took me a minute, but then... Don't tell Spencer, okay?
Friday, May 20, 2011
5 x 7
Stretched canvas
Summer has not reached some of my northern friends yet, but it is already here in Houston and other points south! The kids are looking forward to making a big splash next weekend and some of our neighborhood pools have already opened for the season. Wish I had one in MY backyard, but instead I have a stupid house in Nashville. Hmmmm. How is that a benefit to me here, I am wondering? Perhaps I should have painted a great big mortgage payoff check, but, in view of the fact that the world will be ending tomorrow anyway, I thought a pool scene would be more fitting. Par-tay, everyone!!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Sunshine on the Half Shell
"Sunshine on the Half Shell"
5 x 7
Stretched Canvas
Look for me on Etsy soon!
This painting was such fun!! I love the light and dark contrast, but the best part was using some pure pigments in the orange -- they are so bright and happy!
Recently, a friend that still lives in my hometown, Dreary Erie Pennsylvania, was complaining about the dark and depressing weather there and I was thinking that folks that live where there is a lot of gloomy days should surround themselves with bright colors to perk up their moods. They don't tend to, though. When we were in London last year we looked like a family of circus freaks with our brightly colored rain jackets -- purple, three greens and only one darkish blue. It seemed like everyone in the city was dressed in crow's colors -- black, darker black, grey, blue so dark it was hard to tell it was blue. The effect was somber and really, kind of depressing. They all need a little orange in their lives -- even if it just hangs on a wall!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
More Birthday Watermelon!
"Watermelon Slice"
6 x 6
Stretched Canvas
Look for me on Etsy soon!
As the birthday nears, I get more and more excited about the "Birthday Melon". This year, I think I will have candles in mine, as suggested by my friend, Anne (here comes another shameless plug), from Etsy at The Chunky Mermaid.
But I digress. No candles in this painting, but still a whole lot of melon. Try as I might not to be a "blendy" painter I am still at it -- blendy blendy blendy all over the place. I did try to NOT blend this one to begin with, but it didn't look like much of a melon -- it was just a Christmas-y sort of blobby red-and-green abstract. *Sigh* I guess I might have to resign myself to painting like a frou-frou blender drink instead of "straight up". Hmmm. I guess birthday drinks might be on my mind, too!!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
The First in a List of Things I Will Never Paint Again!
4 x 4
Stretched Canvas
I thought it would be a lot of fun to paint a few kernels of popcorn, so yesterday I popped a bagful of Lime & Salt (yum! my favorite!) and threw a few on my table to photograph. I also used an old movie ticket to complete the vignette. Fun does not quite describe the experience I had painting these things. Plus the table was wood, but reflective, so I had to deal with a reflection of each kernel as well as painting the kernel itself. They say whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger, but this just made me frustrated! At least I scored a bag of popcorn in the process....I should've ordered extra butter, though...I deserve it!!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
A Slice of Sunshine
"A Slice of Sunshine"
4 x 4
Stretched Canvas
Look for me on Etsy soon!
This little painting is dedicated to my boys, Andrew and Spencer, who think mandarin oranges are "cute". I guess I am just relieved it isn't girls yet -- I am terrible at painting people!!
This was fun to paint because the light was shining right through the orange slice and just lit it up like a lantern- just the way the boys' smiles light up their faces when they are happy! There is nothing finer than a big smile on a child's face ...except perhaps a big smile with an orange peel peering out the way kids like to do...that works, too!!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Happy Mother's Day!!
"Apples for Sue"
8 x 10
Stretched Canvas
Look for me on Etsy soon!
Okay, it IS a day earlier, but I am going to take a mini-vacation from posting tomorrow to celebrate! This painting is dedicated to my mother-in-law and my kids' favorite Grammy, Sue. She loves painted lace, and I did this one with her in mind. She has an earlier painting of mine of some hydrangeas in a vase with a lace tablecloth that I think it is just about the ugliest painting I have ever seen! Just goes to show, when you look at something with eyes of love, it always shines! We love you, Grammy Sue -- Have a wonderful Mother's Day!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
"Watermelon Still Life"
8 x 10
Stretched canvas
Look for me on Etsy soon!
Ok, ok, I know -- what do birthdays and watermelon have in common? Well, I LOVE watermelon and instead of birthday cake every year on my birthday, I have a watermelon -- even though it isn't usually the best of melons (my birthday is May 29 -- hint, hint) because they aren't technically "in season" yet!
I did use a photo for this, but I bought a little icebox melon to set in front of me for extra added effect. It was hard to depict how juicy the melon looked. I will have to practice and maybe do some studies of just melon! Of course, that will only work out if I don't get distracted and eat my set up!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Pear Martini
8 x 10
Stretched Canvas
Look for me on Etsy soon!
oil painting,
pear; still life. fruit
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Margaritas at 5:00!!
6 x 6
Stretched Canvas, Sides Painted
Watch for me on Etsy soon!
I'm dedicating this one to my friend, Judy, in Nashville who sends these awesome, politically pertinent, emails out under that tagline! I think it is an especially appropriate painting for today, since I am leaving tomorrow to do my first 1/2 marathon and I will probably be needin' the 'ritas afterward! Those green spheres in the painting aren't key limes, though, but limequats -- a heavenly cross between a lime and a kumquat with the perfect balance of sweet and tart flavors. They are very small, so 1/2 is perfect to pop into an iced tea or squeeze into some ice water. Hmmm....or drizzle over shrimp on the barbie....or broiled salmon...or in a delicate vinaigrette to dress some crisp, bright greens. Or wait! Whipped into some rich vanilla custard for a pie....or....I think I might be crossing the line into food porn. I'd better switch to more sedate food subjects!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
5 x 5
Stretched Canvas
Available on Etsy soon!
This cupcake is a result of a new Facebook friend's comment on the lemon painting. K.C. said her daughter reached out for the lemons for her tea and maybe she needed some cookies to go with! I didn't have time to bake cookies, but I ran to the little cupcake shop down the street and came back with this decadent treat. I added the cherries myself and messed around with the frosting a little to get it right and then, just for kicks and grins, spotlighted the side cherry. It was fun to paint and even MORE fun to clean up afterwards! Mmmm-mmmm! This is why I love painting food items....
oil painting,
original oil painting,
still life
Monday, April 25, 2011
When Life Gives You Lemons...
"Lemony Goodness"
5 x 7
stretched canvas with sides painted
Available on Etsy soon
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Easter Flowers
Study of Chris Nesvadba's "Bold Still Life"
18 x 18
Stretched Canvas
oil painting,
red flowers,
still life,
Friday, April 22, 2011
Getting a Buzz
8 x 6 stretched canvas
Well, anyone who knows me well knows I have a thing for bees. I can even pet the fuzzy bumbles that ramble around the garden -- maybe one day I will be known as "the bee whisperer"! This was my second attempt at a painting a bee. The first was much more whimsical and abstract -- I'm not sure if I will get the courage to post it. I liked this one so much though, that I decided to use it on my Moo.com (shameless plug here) business cards! Happy Easter, everyone!
Oh, and I want to let everyone know that my Etsy store is up and running so if you are interested in any of the paintings you can just purchase them there!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Still Veggin'
"Pepper" 6 x 8
Buy me at the Paintopia by missbuzz shop on Etsy!
I guess I am still in a vegetative state! This pepper painting really looks better in person than in the picture. Sadly, my photography skills are not up to par -- yet another thing I need to learn in order to make this whole art/internet thing work! I did a better job on this one of hitting the dark, medium, and light values, but I still probably could have gone darker overall. What do you think?
Oh, and an apology to the bad link I sent -- I REALLY must have been veggin' when I did that! All part of the the learning process I guess! Thanks for being patient....
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Starting Out
8 x 10
8 x 10
Buy me at the Paintopeia by missbuzz store on Etsy

9 x 12
9 x 12
I got a big dose of inspiration when I recently attended a workshop given by a fabulous artist, Qiang Huang, near Houston. I really had to break out of my box (I guess I do have some filters!) since I tend to be a rather tense painter and Qiang's works, while painted with a great deal of thought, give the appearance of artful effortlessness. To see some of his work (and I highly recommend it) follow this link: www.qhart.com. I met quite a few wonderful people and talented painters there -- I have a long way to go! It is Qiang's wealth of information and the encouragement of Marty Hatcher, (check out Marty's wonderful work at www.martyhatcher.com) who hosted the workshop, that gave me the confidence to start this blog!
On a positive note, I did sell my first painting here in Houston recently!! Of course, at that point I wasn't as organized as I am now (thanks to Qiang!) so I don't have a photo of the painting to show. I will be on top of that next time! In the meantime, I am going to post paintings I have for sale on this blog while I work on getting a website up and running as well as an Ebay store.
So enough of computers and back to the easel!
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