8 x 10
Buy me at the Paintopeia by missbuzz store on Etsy
9 x 12
There are no lack of fiery jalapenos in Houston -- we have them on eggs, in meatloaf and even in ice cream -- it just seemed right to paint some! Yes, we moved to Houston in 2010 and we have finally settled in. Of course, I am aware of what the summer will be like -- hot as jalapenos -- but I intend to combat that with a healthy dose of air conditioning and a well-supplied art studio. Aaaah, the smell of oil paints in the morning! I am posting a few of the paintings I have done since being here, which I painted when I was in a vegetative mood. Who knows what will be next, as I do tend to be the Queen of Inconsistency when it comes to what I like. I am hoping as I grow and progress as an artist I will be able to narrow my style, color and subject likes down. But there IS something to be said for glorious randomness!!
I got a big dose of inspiration when I recently attended a workshop given by a fabulous artist, Qiang Huang, near Houston. I really had to break out of my box (I guess I do have
some filter
s!) since I tend to be a rather tense painter and Qiang's works, while painted with a great deal of thought, give the appearance of artful effortlessness. To see some of his work (and I highly recommend it) follow this link:
www.qhart.com. I met quite a few wonderful people and talented painters there -- I have a long way to go! It is Qiang's wealth of information and the encouragement of Marty Hatcher, (check out Marty's wonderful work at
www.martyhatcher.com) who hosted the workshop, that gave me the confidence to start this blog!
On a positive note, I did sell my first painting here in Houston recently!! Of course, at that point I wasn't as organized as I am now (thanks to Qiang!) so I don't have a photo of the painting to show. I will be on top of that next time! In the meantime, I am going to post paintings I have for sale on this blog while I work on getting a website up and running as well as an Ebay store.
So enough of computers and back to the easel!