Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Onion that Doesn't Make You Cry

"Almost Bloomin' Onion"
5" x 7"
Stretched Canvas

Onions -- I love 'em!  Fried and in sauces, soups and stews (but never raw, except the red ones!).  The only problem is the tears when you are slicing one up.  Oh yes, I know all the tricks (cut in a certain direction, hold your breath and, my personal favorite, the onion goggles), but they never seem to work for me (what a surprise).  This is the ONLY onion that hasn't made me cry yet -- although I am fairly certain it wouldn't taste very good in a stew!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love onion in Your painting, but frayd-WEE, I didn't like :)